A community of purpose

The universe of impact is vast — that’s a great and necessary thing. Yet, our dedication to our roles as founders and funders, our specific verticals and areas of social change have inadvertently forced us apart. We’ve become independent galaxies whose trajectories rarely cross. But we’re still pulled by the same force — the desire to make a lasting, positive impact through the businesses we build. Let’s use that force to bring us back together. One community, revolving around a shared commitment to purpose.

We’re still pulled by the same force — the desire to make a lasting, positive impact through the businesses we build.

Let’s use that force to bring us back together.

Founders and funders don’t need another Slack group — we need ways to connect in meaningful and practical ways around the most pressing issues in building our businesses. We need real talk, real access, real solutions. We need each other.

We’re putting our platform and energy behind this in the form of content, events, and the Purpose Pledge. Our newsletter Renewed Perspectives delivers insights, expertise, and opportunities to your inbox each week, and our community events offer space for needed discussion and cross-pollination, an antidote to industry events where pedigree and performing a role take precedence over substance.

The Purpose Pledge is a commitment for founders, funders, operators, and partners to bring purpose into their actions. The seven tenets of the pledge create universal yet practical ways to do so regardless of your role, vertical, or company stage. The pledge is a continuation of what many of you have long been doing, and it serves as a bridge between the motivations and aspirations around impact and the day-to-day of building purposeful companies.

Too many startups have moved fast and broken things, it's time to be measured and renew things.

It’s vital to note that while Renew plays a role in bringing us together, this movement is not owned. It should not and cannot be owned. It must be co-created, with active collaboration, conversation and co-learning. Too many startups have moved fast and broken things, it’s time to be measured and renew things — together.


or to participate.